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Electronics For You
March  2018   Issue Vol. 50  No. 3 

No Longer Geeky,Wearables Are Style Statements
During training, most professional football players wear a small tracker under their shirt. The tracker is embedded with a range of sensors like accelerometers, gyroscopes and compasses, as well as a GPS chip and other bits of technology.

Nanosensors For Agricultural Pest Management
Globally, 20-40 per cent of crop yields are lost due to plant pests every year. In particular, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner), Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker) and Bactrocera oleae pests are known to infect more than 150 crops across the world.
Next-Generation Solar Power Technology
Quantum dots are already being used in quantum-dot televisions. These have revolutionised the display industry with ultra-high-definitioncolours and greatly
increased effective viewing angles, eliminating the need for rare earth elements minerals where China has a virtual monopoly in the market.
Embedded Sensors For Critical Applications
Sensing technology is evolving at a very fast pace with miniaturisation of microprocessors, embedded systems and other modules, especially micro-electromechanical system (MEMS) sensors. Many embedded sensors have been incorporated into traditional and existing sensor node latforms.
Wireless Technology For Medical Applications
In May 2016 India tabled an ambitious mHealth (Mobile Health) resolution at World Health Organization (WHO), which was supported by over 30 nations.
Green Technology
The Power of Water Unchained, Unabated
Hydroelectricity is one of the oldest and renewable forms of power generation. Of the total power produced in the world from renewable resources, about 70 per cent is generated through water.
Smart World
corporate security: Digital Is The Way To Go
Unlike hardware solutions, digital services require nominal investment as these work mostly on pay-as-you-go subscription model. Maintenance cost is also almost nil
Virtual Telepresence Robot Using Raspberry Pi
This robot with a camera is placed in a remote location to capture the environment in visual form using Raspberry Pi (RPi). The captured visuals are displayed on the user’s virtual reality (VR) headset.
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Useful Tools And Easy Project Management Suites
. Semicode OS
. Freeplane
. GanttProjet
. WebIssues
. Agilefant
. Strong Java Chess Engines
. FreeOrion
Quite Universal Circuit Simulator: A Tool That
Justifies Its Name

Quite Universal Circuit Simulator (QUCS) software makes electronic circuit simulation easy. That means you can digitally design your circuit and evaluate its functionality before creating the real circuit.
ProjectLibre: An Excellent Tool For Project Management
Project management is a challenging task with accountability for steps taken. Planning, execution and problem-solving are part of the role.
SimulIDE 0.1.5: Have Fun While Getting Your Work Done
Fast and easy-to-use tools can greatly enhance electronic circuit development experience. Real-time electronic circuit simulator SimulIDE falls in that software category.
Industry News
India’s installed solar capacity reaches 20GW
India has achieved the milestone of 20GW in cumulative solar installations four years ahead of time, reports Mercom India Research.
India Electronics Week
Third Edition of IEW Shows The Way Ahead for IoT and Startups
The third edition of India Electronics Week witnessed a large gathering of people from the electronics industry. From industry veterans to students, everyone was enlightened by the eminent list of speakers sharing their experiences
Test & Measurement
Selecting The Right T&M Equipment For Medical Electronics
Proper maintenance of medical electronic devices is critically important. Medical equipment are expected to comply with many predefined standards, which require active T&M involvement to ensure accurate readings for remedy or diagnosis.
eStyle Smart wearable
No Need Of Separate Fitness Gear, There Is Smart Footwear
FitBits, Google Maps, thermowool socks
and all those things you needed separately
while going for a walk have now consolidated to form smart footwear, ushering in a new trend of compact and intelligent locomotion.
eStyle Smart Traveller
Five Worth Waiting For Electronic Gadgets
The International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2018 at Las Vegas saw many new launches in product categories ranging from smartphones to virtual reality (VR) headsets. Here we bring to you select few that are expected to roll out this year
eStyle Compact PCs
Clear the Desk We Are Getting An All-in-One PC
AiO systems are basically desktop computers that, instead of having an exclusive CPU, include all the processing components in a single unit with monitor. Here we look at some of the most recommended AiO PCs that can rightfully replace your trusted desktop
eStyle Smart Robot
Robo Vasion Future Is With Them!
“Good morning to everyone on Earth, this is Kirobo. I am the world’s first talking robot astronaut. Nice to meet you.”
Smart World
Driverless Cars: Automotive Sector’s Next
Big Business Bet

In probably ten years it will be very unusual for cars to be built that are not fully autonomous
eStyle FirstLook

. Brightest LED TV Powered by 1500 nits
. Solar Powered Speaker Gives 30-hour power backup
. Smart Car Charger With strong magnetic ear pod
. Rugged Power Bank For adventure travellers
. 4G VoLTE Smartphone Slim and trendy
. Wireless Headphone With rhythmic LED lights
. IP CCTV Dome Camera Featuring PoE, audio and microSD slot
. GizMo ByTes

eStyle Smart Traveller
Technology Is Revolutionising Travel, Are You Ready?
Must-have gadget and app companions for smart travellers who want to save time, stay connected and safe at all times, and bag the best deals
Designing Electro-medical Equipment
Designing electronic medical devices requires engineers to walk an extra mile. After all, it’s the matter of saving lives! Since accuracy and reliability are crucial for medical equipment, designers have to follow a strict set of regulations for their designs.
“Moving Towards Smartphone Cameras That Capture The Same Quality Photographs As DSLR Cameras”
In this selfie era, a smartphone’s success depends on the quality of its camera. As a result, manufacturers are putting a lot of focus on digital imaging trends in order to come up with a breakthrough product. Nidhi Arora from Electronics For You, in an exclusive interview with Nicolas Touchard, vice president, marketing, DxOMark, identifies the upcoming innovations in smartphone photography
Smart World
"Test Automation Reduces Quality Assurance
Lifecycle By At Least 50 Per Cent"

The digital age demands seamless, uninterrupted experience—be it over a website, a mobile application or any software service. Major industries like banks and e-commerce rely heavily on software platforms to reach out to their customers. Maneesh Jhawar, founder and CEO, and Gauraav Thakar, VP and head of marketing, QualityKiosk Technologies, speak to EFY about the importance of software quality assurance and the impact of test automation for businesses
Bi-Directional Motor Driver Using ULN2803
Motor driver modules for motors allow you to control the working speed and direction of two motors simultaneously. Here we present an alternative to driving two motors using ULN2803 IC.
Automatic Light And Overcharging Control With Voltage-Level Indicator
This circuit can be used for automatic control of lights and 6V battery charging. It monitors
the battery level and switches to charging and overcharging protection modes accordingly.
Little Nightlight
Here we describe a very simple, economical and light-weight automatic nightlight that runs on 230V AC mains and can be used as a deluxe gizmo in the sleeping room of your kids.
Software-Defined Radio With Android Smartphones
Software-defined radio (SDR) is one of most important wireless communication technologies. It is a unique type of radio system that can tune to any frequency band.
Cloud-Based IoT Monitoring Of Pillbox Usage
Medication adherence is a term describing the extent to which patients take medications as prescribed by their healthcare providers.
Audio Compression Using Wavelets In Matlab
Audio frequencies range from 20Hz to 20kHz but these frequencies are not heard in the same way. Frequencies below 20Hz and above 20kHz are very difficult to hear, while those not much more than 20Hz, or not much less than 20kHz, cannot be heard by most people.
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Make In India
Market Survey
Will Biosensors Sensitise The Indian Market?

Biosensors are analytical devices that combine a bioreceptor (biological recognition element) and a transducer. The bioreceptor can be organisms, tissues, cells, enzymes, antibodies, nucleic acids, etc. It detects the target analyte.
Make In India
StartUp Zone: Ink From DG Sets
Founded by Kushagra Srivastava, Arpit Dhupar and Prateek Sachan, Chakr Innovation has devised a novel technology to capture particulate matter from diesel generators (DGs) without adversely impacting the engine’s performance or the environment.
Make In India
Project Report
Business Setup For LED Lighting Assembly

Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are semiconductor devices that emit visible light when electric current passes through them. Compared to conventional lighting systems, these are smaller, have a longer operating life and involve a lower cost of ownership.
Tech News

. Charging at the bend of a finger
. Sprint gearing to roll out the world’s first mobile 5G network
. Soon every gadget will have AI inside
. Qualcomm chip enabling 5G launches in 2019
. Intel launches chip for computing at the edge
. The era of quantum supremacy arriving
. Police in China using facial recognition glasses
eStyle Mini PCs
Carry Your Like A Box Of Candies Computer
In the ongoing quest for portability, personal computers have witnessed a shift in form factor from desktops to conventional laptops, 2-in-1 detachable laptops and down to tablets with wireless peripheral support.
eStyle buyers’Guide
The Best For Your Home Air Purifier
Air pollution has been a longstanding concern in Indian cities. Yet, a substantial number of households don’t use air purifiers. The choice of the right air purifier might be hindered due to insufficient information.
eStyle Do-It-Yourself
Set Up Your Own Cloud Storage System At Home
Our phones, laptops and iPads often run out of space to store various multimedia files. So we keep transferring files from one medium to another, which is quite inconvenient.
eStyle Buyers’ Guide
Top Ten Android Smartphones and Tablets
It is a bit difficult to choose a smartphone today as there is a bewildering variety of phones in the market. This article will help readers make an intelligent choice
Electronics Of Exotic Materials
Most of us assume that smartphones and laptops will keep getting faster and better. But that progress could come to an end in about a decade.
High-Frequency Issues In Electronics
Electronic circuits behave very differently at high frequencies. This is mainly due to a change in the behaviour of passive components (resistors, inductors and capacitors) and parasitic effects on active components, PCB tracks and grounding patterns at high frequencies.
Buyers Guide
Microwave and pir Sensors: A Small Investment For Big Savings
Microwave sensors are cost-effective solutions to save energy expenses and secure premises of businesses. Their most popular use is in lighting, where these can save up to 40 per cent of electricity expenditure for companies.
Why I Felt Hot In Japan Even In January
I was lucky enough to be there at NEPCON Japan and attend various co-located shows including Wearable Electronics Expo 2018.
“The IoT Is Not Something Which An SI Partner Will Deploy And Stop”
System integrators (SIs) have a unique understanding of both the information technology and operational technologies. Just a smart positioning of their existing relationships with technology players and understanding of their end-customers’ pain points can help them win in the Internet of Things (IoT) landscape. Sandeep Agarwal, senior vice president and head of Global Center of Excellence for IoT (COEIoT), Happiest Minds Technologies, shared with Syeda Beenish of EFY advantages vs opportunities for the SI community to lead IoT penetration in India. Excerpts...
Automatic Water Refiller For Air-Coolers
Air-coolers provide cool air in a room by adding moisture to the air. This moist air is blown inside the room by an exhaust fan or blower, which makes the room temperature drop.
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Tech Focus

Hyper-convergence: Software-centric

Market Survey
Energy storage

Sensors for industrial applications

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May 2024
Issue Vol. 56 No. 5

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