Electronics For You Magazine India & South Asia no. 1 Electronics Magazine
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Electronics For You
November  2016   Issue Vol. 48  No. 11 

Tech Focus
The Healing Effect: Generating Human Spares
War veterans return home with all kinds of injuries—some physical, others psychological. A missing limb, an ear blown off, scars of wars can be seen all over. Advances in technology that could fill out missing pieces sound good, do they not?

SMS Alert System
We receive many SMS alerts every day. These are automated messages that are broadcast to a list of mobile numbers. Ever wondered how the system works?
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Digital Soil Moisture Meter
A soil moisture meter is used for indicating the water content of a given soil sample. As crop production requires water at different stages and in different amounts, it is important to measure soil moisture from time to time to know its status.
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GPS Distance Meter
Presented here is a project based on Global Positioning System (GPS) and ATmega328P-PU microcontroller to measure the distance between two points using Haversine formula.
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